Annual Plan and Move-To-Work supplement

Randolph County Housing Authority (RCHA) has completed a draft of its Annual Plan and Move-to-Work supplement for 2023, in compliance with the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998. It is available for review on RCHA’s website and between 8:00 am and 4 pm, Monday through Thursday at the RCHA office located at 2280 Randolph Avenue, Elkins, WV. In addition, a public hearing will be held October 6th at RCHA’s office at 1:30 pm. A virtual meeting will be held October 6th at 3:30 pm. Call RCHA at 304-636-6495 for virtual login credentials. RCHA administers Section 8 rental assistance in Barbour, Lewis, Pendleton, Randolph, Tucker, and Upshur counties.


Explanatory Note to Public Reviewers of the Proposed Moving to Work Supplement Fillable Form

MTW Narrative

FSS Plan

RCHA Hardship Policy for MTW Initiative


Supplement to Form HUD-50075-HCV

MRAP Program Ending

IMPORTANT Information regarding the end of this program
THE MOUNTAINEER RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM WILL STOP TAKING APPLICATIONS AT 11:59 P.M. AUGUST 26. The program will continue accepting applications from first-time applicants until August 26. If you need assistance and haven’t applied, visit and submit your application before Friday. All eligible applications submitted before August 26 will be reviewed and processed. Approval is subject to funding availability.